Aura Freedom International
Created in the name of gender equality, Aura Freedom is a grassroots women’s organization that works to eradicate violence against women and human trafficking through advocacy and education. We work with a diverse group of allies to achieve our goals. Through education, advocacy, research, training, and feminist movement building, Aura Freedom has implemented sustainable projects addressing violence against women and human trafficking in both Canada and South Asia. Our work has advanced gender equality, empowered marginalized women and given survivors anti-oppressive access to crucial services.
Traditional academic disciplines have devoted little systematic attention to issues of gender, race, class, and sexuality. In the past 40 years, feminist scholars have contributed to the reinterpretation of existing data and to the presentation of new knowledge about the diversity of women’s experiences. Through course work and outreach, the Institute for Women’s Studies offers students an opportunity to explore women’s lives in global and multicultural contexts.